First shown off during the Orbx roadmap stream towards the end of 2018, Orbx Cityscape Honolulu has come on a long way since then. In a forum post from Jarrad, he goes in-depth about some brand new details regarding the project and also shared a range of brand new previews.
Developed by Frank Schnibben and Holger Sandmann(who developed Australia V2), the brand new Cityscape product uses a blend of photoreal imagery and landclass components to give you a realistic and feature-rich rendition of the whole island of Oahu in Prepar3D V4. Whilst the product may be called Cityscape Honolulu, Orbx have included the entire island in the package, bringing in tens of thousands of buildings, 60 detailed points of interest (all with PBR material) and also ensuring that mesh and other landclass details are as accurate as possible.
The Cityscape package will also see “greatly improved” airports for all eight on the island, including Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (PHNL). For those that own FSDreamTeam’s version of the airport, Orbx has confirmed that it will be compatible with Cityscape Honolulu. The same is also true for Bill Womack’s Dillingham X. Exact instructions on how will be provided soon.
Other features from the feature list down below includes dynamic night lighting, numerous helipads and landing opportunities (including on US Navy ships in the harbour) and other verticle obstructions such as wind turbines and powerlines.
No exact word on a release date or pricing at this point, but there will be plenty to see and do on the Island once it has been released. We’ll keep you updated.
- A complete Cityscape and Mini-Region covering Honolulu and the entire island of Oahu
- Ultra-HD photorealistic depiction of Honolulu, Waikiki, Pearl Harbor and Pearl City
- All eight Oahu airports have been upgraded from default to “region standard” – much like you see in AUv2, GES/GEN, etc.
- Mixture of photoreal and custom landclass textures for best balance between realism, performance and download/disk usage.
- High-quality mesh, based on high-resolution LIDAR, including underwater bathymetry
- Complete replacement of all geodata for Oahu for a much more detailed and accurate landscape; shorelines, lakes, road/rail, traffic etc.
- 23,000 unique custom buildings with exact footprint and height data, combined with 90,000 custom-placed buildings
- Over 60 high-detail POIs, most with complete PBR texturing
- Detailed depiction of Pearl Harbor with all museums and relevant historical sites
- Visit the USS Missouri, USS Bowfin and USS Arizona Memorial
- Numerous helipad locations, including on custom US Navy ships in harbor.
- Exceptionally detailed hand-placed vegetation using local flora types
- All vertical obstructions on the island; wind turbines, antennae, power grid towers, chimneys etc
- Stunning night lighting, including dynamic and 3D lighting for best visuals and performance
- Exhaustively optimized for best performance using unique modelling and texturing techniques.
- >1500 sq km of stunning tropical terrain
- Developed by powerhouse developers Frank Schnibben and Holger Sandmann