Orbx Announces San Jose International Airport for MSFS

It has been announced by Orbx that they will soon be releasing San Jose International Airport (KSJC) for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The Californian airport, in the heart of Silicon Valley, offers a variety of routes…

Orbx Announces San Jose International Airport for MSFS

It has been announced by Orbx that they will soon be releasing San Jose International Airport (KSJC) for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The Californian airport, in the heart of Silicon Valley, offers a variety of routes to locations such as Tokyo, London and various domestic routes including Eagle County, Santa Barbara and Burbank.

The new airport product from Orbx will feature everything you would expect at this point from Orbx including PBR materials, life-like terminal building models, dynamic lighting and various points of interest throughout the airport and beyond. A variety of screenshots highlight the smaller details included in the airport product such as the road signage, 3D bridges, and artwork found on the side of numerous terminal buildings.

We can expect new details soon from Orbx about the airport, including more screenshots. For now, you can see the rest on their forums.


  • Complete ultra-HD rendition of San Jose International Airport
  • Detailed PBR textures as standard
  • Exquisite modelling work for the entire airport
  • Nestled in default photogrammetry area
  • Enhanced groundpoly with weathering effects
  • Custom PBR GSE and static aircraft
  • POIs surrounding the airport
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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