Orbx has announced a new product line that greatly enhances the terrain meshes for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The first product to be made with the new proprietary approach will focus on New Zealand. NZ Mesh will greatly enhance the terrain data and also has “no noticeable performance impact” within the simulator.
In the forum post made by Orbx, the new mesh technology uses blended high-resolution DEM data, which is self-contained and makes no changes to the default mesh or any other default file. NZ mesh will initially release with 10m resolution, which is already a big improvement over the default mesh. However, in the future, Orbx plans to update the product with LIDAR data which reaches a resolution of up to 1m. Unlike other mesh products for flight simulators, this one is relatively light for taking up your hard drive space. Once released, it will take just 523MB of hard drive space.
A series of comparison previews were shared on the forums on how NZ Mesh compares to the default provided by Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Orbx confirmed that NZ Mesh will release this week for AUD$15.95 (excluding taxes). We’ll keep you updated with exact release details once we learn more. You can see the product page on OrbxDirect in the meantime.