Over on the Orbx forums, Community and Marketing Manager Aimee Sanjari announced the latest offering in Oceania from Orbx; NZGS Gisborne!
NZGS is located on the outskirts of Gisborne, which itself is located on the East coast of the North Island in New Zealand. The airport is unique in the fact that it has a rail line crossing the main runway, much like the road that crosses the runway at Gibraltar. NZGS will be the first Orbx airport to use their new CityScene tech which will allow for the entire city of Gisborne to be accurately depicted along with over 100,000 autogen trees and additional buildings outside the city.
Notable features include a large coverage area including the airport, Young Nick’s Head mountain, and Gisborne itself, dynamic lighting, Orbx Peopleflow, as well an animated WA165 Steam train.
No word on a definitive release date yet, though it was said the airport was coming soon to FSX and P3D and will be available from OrbxDirect for the usual AUD $32.95. When Gisborne releases, we’ll let you know!
- Accurate representation of Gisborne airport and cityscape
- Large coverage area including the airport, Young Nick’s Head mountain, and the city of Gisbourne
- Ground specular mapping
- Baked ambient occlusion and night lighting
- Dynamic lighting for P3DV4
- Orbx PeopleFlow
- Animated WA165 Vintage Steam train