New Previews for Orbx Cityscape Sydney for MSFS

Last month, Orbx announced that they would be bringing Sydney to life in Microsoft Flight Simulator with its upcoming Cityscape product. Cityscape Sydney will add over 250km squared of brand new aerial imagery that has…

New Previews for Orbx Cityscape Sydney for MSFS

Last month, Orbx announced that they would be bringing Sydney to life in Microsoft Flight Simulator with its upcoming Cityscape product. Cityscape Sydney will add over 250km squared of brand new aerial imagery that has been colour balanced and edited to blend in perfectly. Cityscape Sydney adds thousands of models including ultra-high detailed objects that have been said to “rival airport terminals” in terms of the amount of detail. In particular, Sydney Harbour Bridge has been recreated in stunning detail and quality and is the focus of the scenery package.

Whilst we eagerly await the product, various members on the Orbx forums has shared some new previews of the product in action. Iain Emms, John Lovell, and FILOU have all taken to the forums to share some of their latest shots whilst exploring the Australian city. Unique views of the Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House can be seen, along with other points of interests and suburbs.

We’re still no clearer on when the product will be released, but it has joined the coming soon page on OrbxDirect. We’ll keep you updated on any further developments.#

You can view even more screenshots here, here and here.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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