New Orbx Elstree Aerodrome (EGTR) Previews in X-Plane 11

[button type=”round” color=”#ff800e” target=”” link=””]This product has now been released. View it here.[/button] Following the announcement earlier this week, posted on the Orbx forum, is a set of final eye-catching Elstree Aerodrome (EGTR) previews from X-Plane. From these…

New Orbx Elstree Aerodrome (EGTR) Previews in X-Plane 11

[button type=”round” color=”#ff800e” target=”” link=””]This product has now been released. View it here.[/button]

Following the announcement earlier this week, posted on the Orbx forum, is a set of final eye-catching Elstree Aerodrome (EGTR) previews from X-Plane.

From these previews, you notice the immense level of detail and attention paid to the airfield and even the surrounding area really bringing it to life in X-Plane 11. Do take cognisance that XVision and Ultra Weather are utilised in these screenshots.

Elstree Aerodrome is situated 2.6 nautical miles east of Watford, Hertfordshire in England. It was first used in World War II as a small landing strip used for the overhaul and repair of military aircraft. After 1946, the aerodrome was returned to civil aircraft operations and has been used by aero clubs and private pilots for the basing and operation of single and twin-engined light aircraft.

You’ll soon be able to grab a hold of Elstree Aerodrome (EGTR) from OrbxDirect at a price of AUD$24.95 (Incl. VAT) for X-Plane 11. Owners of the FSX/P3D version will automatically be granted a 40% discount.

We’ll endeavour to let you know once Elstree Aerodrome has been released.

Key Features

  • Incredible 1 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm/pixel ground poly.
  • Countryside at 30 cm/pixel.
  • Fully custom modelled airport.
  • Created from on-site photography.
  • Designed to be used in conjunction with TrueEarth GB South.
  • Includes more surrounding autogen vegetation.
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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