New Freeware Schedule Builder Available called iFly Schedules

Plan a flying schedule to suit your needs.

If you struggle to find a route to fit a specific number of requirements and want to generate a bit of randomness to your scheduling, then this new freeware tool may be for you. iFlySimX (no association with the iFly team who built the 737 MAX8) has released iFly Schedules that will help you discover a series of routes for you to fly.

The current 0.6.4 alpha version is currently available with flight schedule data from the likes of Air Canada, British Airways, easyJet, Delta, United, Qantas, and many more. You will be able to select the aircraft type, the flight length, airport codes, and then choose how many legs you want to have generated for you.

After you have generated your schedule, you can view them on a calendar page and organise them to your liking. Your schedules will also be stored in a browser cookie, meaning you can go back to the page at some point in the future and look up your planned routes. There are plans to make this account-based in the future. Finally, you can click on a simple button to then put the preliminary data into SimBrief to then start generating a route.

iFly Schedules is free to use over on their website. The video above should give you a good idea of the current feature set and how to use it.

More From:   iFlySimX
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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