New BlueBird 757 Video Focusing on Sound, Comments of MSFS 2024 Version

Hear how the 757 sounds with this new video preview from BlueBird Simulations.

A brand new video from BlueBird Simulations has been shared on its YouTube channel as part 2 of their September update. This new video focuses on the sounds created by Boris Audio Works, where we can hear various phases of the flight experience on the 757.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Comments

At the start of the video, BlueBird Simulations gave a comment on their plans for supporting Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and how their 757 fits. In short, BlueBird confirmed that the 757 will launch on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, with an update planned in the future to bring it to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. BlueBird confirmed that this will be a free update.

BlueBird said that they had seen all the videos and that the new sim looks “amazing”.

Sounds from the Video

BlueBird handed over to Boris from Boris Audio Works who introduced the sound package which will come with the 757. Then we were put into the simulator, listening to boarding sounds and hearing the aircraft’s environmental sounds in the background (e.g. hydraulics, fuel pumps, packs, etc). As the aircraft taxiied to the runway, we heard the engines spool up and down with varying levels of thrust.

We then get to enjoy a take-off roll from the wing view, before then some more external sounds as the aircraft depart the airport. There are various other shots from inside the cockpit (listening to the gear come up) and more.

As the aircraft touched down, we hear the gear kissing the tarmac, wheel bumps over the runway lights, and also reverse thrust. Overall, we heard a great deal of the sounds to come with the plane. Sadly, no engine start-up/shut-down at this time as the team continues to refine the timings of everything.

The Next Video Update

Finally, the video wrapped with a brief update on when to expect the next update. BlueBird said that we should expect it at the end of October or mid-November. This is when we’ll see more about the systems.

As for the the release of the 757, BlueBird we’ll know for sure whether we will see it in 2024 or not, but he said it’s getting “very tight” to be out at the end of the year. But the team won’t be rushing it and will only release it once it’s right. The team is committed to the plane, working 7-days a week to ensure they bring the best rendition of the 757 to the flight simulation community.

For more on the 757 by BlueBird Simulations, check out our interview with the developers at FlightSimExpo. Or learn more about the 787 they’re also working on.

More From:   BlueBird Simulations Boris Audio Works
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Calum Martin
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