New Aerosoft A330 Professional Wing-Flex Video and New Details

A brand new video preview of wing-flex for the Aerosoft A330 Professional has been shared by project manager Mathijs Kok. The video is just around 20-seconds in length, but gives you a brief look at the…

New Aerosoft A330 Professional Wing-Flex Video and New Details

A brand new video preview of wing-flex for the Aerosoft A330 Professional has been shared by project manager Mathijs Kok. The video is just around 20-seconds in length, but gives you a brief look at the wing-flex from the passenger’s perspective.

He said that they have “[spent] a lot of time on it as we wanted wingflex a bit more realistic than what is normally done.” Whilst they are happy with the results so far, he did say that “[…] realistically, the frequency should simply be a lot higher than what P3D can do […].”

Following on from that, it is said that modeller Stefan will be back on the A330 project at the end of June to work on updating the virtaul cockpit with PBR and also other improvements to bring it in-line with new standards. It has been described as “[not] a very quick process […],” but the team will be able to show visible progress soon.

Talks regarding a built-in CPDLC have resumed with VATSIM, IVAO and also POSCON. Providing that the interfaces for the data remain largely similar, Aerosoft will support them all. It will also merge just fine with PMDG Global Flight Ops.

Finally, the EFB was said to be progressing nicely.

You can read the whole forum post here. Perhaps we’ll even see the A330 at FlightSimExpo in just a few days time.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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