More Orbx Santa Barbara Previews

Roughly a week ago we showed you some previews of Orbx’s upcoming Santa Barbara (KSBA) airport. However, developer Jarrad Marshall decided there was still more left to be shown off from Misha Cajic’s newest project.…

More Orbx Santa Barbara Previews

Roughly a week ago we showed you some previews of Orbx’s upcoming Santa Barbara (KSBA) airport. However, developer Jarrad Marshall decided there was still more left to be shown off from Misha Cajic’s newest project. As such, he took us on a bit of a tour around the airport and the Santa Barbara area. Trying to show off some more of the details of the airport and its surrounding area that, as he puts it, “sum up the essence and charm of projects such as this”. The previews show off some of the airside scenery surrounding the immediate airport, the city itself and some interior design, too.

For those interested, Jarrad also goes into a bit of detail about how they go about scenery design. Especially, how they decide what areas to create with higher detail levels than others. He explains that in airside detailing, especially the areas that will be directly visible from your cockpit, no expense is spared in making everything look as good as possible. Moving away from the airport, especially areas that are not visible from your cockpit, will be detailed a bit less extensive as to optimise the scenery and keep everything performance friendly. The post is definitely worth a read if you’re interested in how these choices are made.

For the feature list of this scenery, I refer back to our previous preview post that is linked at the beginning of this article. We have no information yet on a possible release date, but Jarrad made sure we should keep an eye out for more previews coming this week.

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