Only a few days ago did MK-Studios reveal they have been working on Vagar airport. Today, they previewed what they called the “last” previews before release. It seems like 3D snow is all the range lately after Orbx’s recently snowy airport (ENSQ Kiruna Airport) as MK-Studios has also included the same 3D snow effects at Vagar.
The Prepar3D V4 airport will also have 3D people, SODE windsocks, specular and bump mapping on the ground polys as well as 50cm/pizel satellite coverage surrounding the airport. As you would expect now from MK-Studios, they will also include realistic precipitation effects on the ground, optimised dynamic lighting and custom mesh for all of the Faroe Islands. Heli-fans will also be pleased to know there are some custom helipads dotted around to test your skills at.
We’re surprised to see a scenery announced and released so soon after – when it’s officially ready to download, we’ll let you know. You can view the original previews on the announcement thread.
Feature List:
- Highly detailed buildings specially designed and optimized for P3DV4,
- Object baked shadows,
- Custom vehicles and airport objects,
- 3D people,
- Realistic 3D snow,
- SODE windsock,
- New ground technics based on real photographs, specular and bump mapping,
- Up to date ground layout,
- Highly optimized dynamic lightning with different effect types adjusted for exact type of light and direction needed,
- Realistic night lightning,
- GSX compatible,
- Realistic precipitation effects on the ground,
- 50cm/pixel sattelite coverage of the closest airport area,
- Custom landclass for whole Faroe Islands,
- Detailed autogen,
- Custom mesh for all Faroe Islands,
- Custom helipads.