MK-Studios promised September 14th and they have delivered. Lisbon Airport, in Portugal, is now available from MK-Studios. Developed from the ground up using the latest technology from p3Dv4, the airport represents the most detailed airport for the capital yet.
The launch trailer above showcases all the brand new features coming to the airport. Lisbon will incldue SODE jetways, 3D people, condition-based weather effects on the ground as well as interactive holding point lights. All the options can be adjusted to the user’s liking.
You can buy the airport now from either the MK-Studios website or via SimMarket. The price is 23 Euros (excluding tax). We’ll have a full review online shortly.
CONTEST TIME: If you buy the scenery and share a screenshot of our little Easter Egg within the scenery and tag us in the post, we’ll share a special beta access code to DCTRY with you. Have a hunt around and tell us when you find it. Either email us, comment below or tag us via Facebook!