In a short post from Avsim user Slayer68, it has been confirmed by Milviz that the SR-71 will no longer be developed for Prepar3D. Instead, the development team has shifted focus on bringing the aircraft to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Slayer68, a member of the Milviz support team, has also confirmed the status of development on a few other projects coming from the developers.
The news that the SR-71A Blackbird will no longer be coming to Prepar3D is incredibly shocking considering it was in a place to be shared as a first look in P3Dv4 back in March 2019. Whilst it was a first look preview, we were very impressed and even said that “the Milviz SR-71 Blackbird is a shining example of what the term ‘study level’ should represent.”
Whilst the SR-71 moving to Microsoft Flight Simulator may be disappointing for some, Prepar3D can still expect both the P180-E and the Skyraider from the aircraft development team. Slayer68 has confirmed that both of those products are getting close to completion with them both currently being beta tested. They are confirmed to be both coming to Prepar3D v4 and v5.
Also in the post, Slayer68 says that the MU-2 is currently in a state of limbo. Slayer68 said that the market has changed significantly, but that the MU-2 may be considered again should the P180E on Prepar3D sells well.
Slayer68 said that this is the “ever-changing landscape of simulators” so perhaps more development news will come in the future. There are no time frames for any of the mentioned products, but we’re told to “keep [our] eyes peeled.”
Colin and D’Andre from Milviz took to Twitch/YouTube late last year to discuss the ‘State of the Sim’ in an hour-long stream. This included discussion on their feelings for the current slate of simulators and where their products fit within each platform.
We know that Milviz is bringing their Cessna 310 to Microsoft Flight Simulator and that their AH-1 is still in beta testing for Prepar3D.
Featured image from the P3D version.#
Thanks to David B for the tip.