Miltech Simulations MV-22B Osprey Update

Miltech Simulations has issued the first update for their recently released MV-22B Osprey. The update, which goes by V1.0.1, fixes several issues with the plane. It fixes several texture issues, some system issues have been…

Miltech Simulations MV-22B Osprey Update

Miltech Simulations has issued the first update for their recently released MV-22B Osprey. The update, which goes by V1.0.1, fixes several issues with the plane. It fixes several texture issues, some system issues have been resolved and there are also a few changes to the flight dynamics. The update is available through Orbx Direct.


  • Texturing Improvements (Interior)
  • Liveries tweaks for quality and realism
  • Engine overtoque under normal flight condition
  • Interim power (PFD/FLIR) now has colored visual queues to avoid overstressing the engine (blinking red for caution, yellow for high RPM, green for normal)-
  • Adjustments to how torque/throttle kicks in (instead of a sudden kick of power at around 50% torque)
  • APU Coming up too fast (adding a delay of a few seconds)
  • Flapaileron Animations Fixed
  • Aircraft suddenly drops several thousand feet (when converting above 8000ft)/problems with Conversion operations/takeoff at altitudes greater than 8000ft.
  • Aircraft accelerates as pitch angle is increased
  • Oil Temps drop with engines running from 270deg Celsius
  • Adjustment to Instrument view to make APU accessible
More From:   Miltech Simulations
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