Miltech Simulations has issued an update for their MV-22B Osprey that was released in November of last year. Version 1.1.0 adds several fixes and improvements, as well as a few new features. The update is available right now through Orbx Direct. The team also announced that the aircraft has finally been sent to the MSFS Marketplace, and will hopefully be available there soon for PC. Xbox users will need to wait a little bit longer, until Sim Update 12.

- MAWS (Missile Approach Warning System) added as model, FLIR Camera model improved
- Further Exterior and Interior Modeling Improvements, re-designed cockpit model, landing gear, cargo bay, ramp door.
- MFD C/A Button with maps on issue fixed
- Texturing Improvements (Interior)
- Issues with UV Mapping on the Tail (distorted textures)
- Loud “wind noise” at high speeds (>250 knots)
- Sounds issues during startup
- Sound Improvements
- Cockpit piercing glass on external model fixed
- Flight Path Marker is fundamentally wrong fixed
- New pilot model
- “Reset all systems to fly” Button on CDU, to reset all failures in the case of engine failure due to overstress or prop crash into the ground.
- Wheel Chocks, Pitot Covers
- Nav & Flight Planning UI pages added to CDU, functionality still WIP
- Gearbox Temps fixed
- Aircraft not recognized by ATC as V-22 or Osprey.
- Rightmost MFD issues with BFWS Procedures fixed