Military Visualizations to No Longer Develop for X-Plane At This Point

During our Developer Interview Livestream yesterday with Colin from Military Visualizations, he confirmed that going forward, it is their intention to stop developing for X-Plane. The reasoning for this is based on several factors, but…

Military Visualizations to No Longer Develop for X-Plane At This Point

During our Developer Interview Livestream yesterday with Colin from Military Visualizations, he confirmed that going forward, it is their intention to stop developing for X-Plane. The reasoning for this is based on several factors, but as of right now, MilViz won’t continue bringing aircraft to the platform. You can watch the clip where Colin confirms this from our 2-hour stream below. His exact wording is “for news on X-Plane, it is our intention to no longer developer for X-Plane at this point.”

MilViz’s history with X-Plane has been somewhat rocky over the years, but this confirmation from Colin appears to be relatively set in stone for the foreseeable future. In recent months, MilViz released the T310R for X-Plane, which was then followed up by the DHC-3T Turbo Otter back in July. Back in March, MilViz also attempted to use Kickstarter to fund R&D into the development of an ATR for the platform, but it failed to reach its funding goal of CAD $27,000.

One of the reasons that MilViz has decided to no longer develop for X-Plane is due to the “bad behaviour” from some people in the community.

On a positive note, MilViz did showcase a bunch of aircraft during our Livestream last night including the King Air 350i, F-15C, T-38A, Learjet 60XR and the SR-71. We are preparing our write up from the stream for those that need an abridged version of the 2-hour stream. We’ll also have a variety of exclusive screenshots from the previously mentioned aircraft, too.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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