Microsoft Releases September 19th Dev Update

Following the road map provided last update, Microsoft has released the current schedule for the Tech Alpha Timeline. Microsoft also released an image with procedurally generated grass in a field. The caption reads, “The grass is…

Microsoft Releases September 19th Dev Update

Following the road map provided last update, Microsoft has released the current schedule for the Tech Alpha Timeline.

Microsoft also released an image with procedurally generated grass in a field. The caption reads, “The grass is always greener… especially when its procedurally generated” hinting at volumetric grass being stock to all parts of the sim.

On September 26, we can look forward to the Feature Discovery Series Previews! This series will contain four episodes showcasing the core changes you will see in the new sim. Episode 1 will feature the world, 2 will showcase the weather, 3 new aerodynamics, and 4 the cockpits.

The Tech Alpha Timeline will begin on October 10 as follows:

  • October 10: Release testing complete. Lock final delivery schedule.
  • October 17: Build release preparation.
  • October 24: Release window opens.

The next update is scheduled to drop September 26. Check back next week for the newest update on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020!

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Daniel Wasinski
My love for everything flightsim started back on FSX in 2007. I can be found flying the 737 almost every night all over the US on Volanta!
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