Its Thursday, and another update from the Microsoft Flight Simulator team has been uploaded to the blog website. This update features a lot of new previews, some GIFs too, as well as updates for the Alpha, SDK, and more.
Development Update
First on the website is a quick update to some of the postponed deliverables. The feedback snapshot has been released in this update and can be viewed further down the post. As for the Partnership Series and Feature Discovery Series, the time frame is the same from the last update. The Partnership Series is due in mid April, and Episode 8 of the Feature Discovery Series is due in late April to early May.
The team has shared that an update to the Alpha will be coming within the next 2-3 days, and is an update to the current build. This update will contain the Airbus A320, and a full build notes list will be posted on the website once it is released.
Alpha Invitations are set to start being sent out again today. The team is finishing up getting things with this current Alpha build finished up, and will be moving to Alpha participation. The team has listed the primary objectives of the final step of this Alpha.
- Ensure that everyone that received an acceptance email has access to the Alpha.
- Assess Alpha participation options for adding more people as quickly as possible.
- Prioritize access for those that registered early for pre-release build testing.
SDK Update
The Microsoft team have stated that over 150 third party companies have been using the SDK and that they have been “working on many amazing updates for the new simulator.” They have also noted that this week marks the release of WebAssembly support. This will enable developers to start porting their native code to their platform. This support will start with panel and display support. The team has also providing an initial release of the in-game aircraft editor, and are continuously working on that programs bug improvements and fixes.
Feedback Snapshot
Alpha Screenshots
Plenty of new previews have been shared on the website. Some of these new previews are GIFs, showing off different aircraft in different weather conditions across the world. A320 previews have been shared, as well as a wildlife shots, and plenty more.
As always, we will be sure to post about any new news regarding Microsoft Flight Simulator, and be sure to check out Microsoft’s feeds as well for updates.