Microsoft Flight Simulator Partnership Series TEXTRON, Dev Update

Following on from the release of a sizable and significant patch, Microsoft has taken to their blog to give a detailed account of various elements, including an all-new partnership series update for TEXTRON. The blog…

Microsoft Flight Simulator Partnership Series TEXTRON, Dev Update

Following on from the release of a sizable and significant patch, Microsoft has taken to their blog to give a detailed account of various elements, including an all-new partnership series update for TEXTRON. The blog update is fairly extensive, so we’ll break it down for you below.

Reflecting on the Latest Patch

The development team were keen to thank the community for the ongoing support after the last couple of patches which fixed a few early growing pains. Microsoft continued to acknowledge that there is still a handful of bugs and issues that were new even after the update and will continue to monitor the forums and community in general to pick up where people are having issues. Again, they emphasised that the forums are the best place to give you feedback so that the team can continue to build upon the experience.

Partnership Series Update: TEXTRON

This short video highlights how TEXTRON and Microsoft worked together to create some of the included aircraft within the simulator.

Around the World Video

The next episode in a series of videos being produced by Microsoft to highlight the world has been released. This time, the focus is on Africa.

Development Roadmap

The development roadmap for the flight simulator has been updated to be a little more specific about what to expect between now and November. In the short-term, it appears a new update will be released on September 24th. Following that, additional partnership series episodes will be made available, plus further update information on third party content and the SDK.

SDK and Third-Party

A new SDK for third-party developers will improve key areas to further support those that need it. All aspects from the SDK will be updated including the scenery editor, aircraft editor and also a new node-based particle effects system. In addition, the WebAssemly part of the SDK has been updated to address some usability issues.

As for third-party developers, it was reconfirmed that over 900 applications have been made to the Marketplace Partner Program and that Microsoft is slowly introducing new developers to the arena. Last week saw Aerosoft, Big Tire, FLYT, FlyTampa, Gaya Simulations, LatinVFR and others added to the list, whilst also enabling updates for products through the store. More developers and addons are being added soon.

More Screenshots

Whilst simmers may have the product in their hands, it hasn’t stopped Microsoft from continuing to showcase stunning screenshots taken by the community.

That wraps up this week’s update, but we can expect more information on the “update” in next week’s blog post.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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