Mathijs Kok on Aerosoft A330 – “2016 Would be Perfect but 2017 Will Be Fine”

We have had many, many, many previews of the Aerosoft A330, but obviously one question that keeps appearing is: when will it be released. Numerous times Mathijs Kok has said that 2016 is the plan, and…

We have had many, many, many previews of the Aerosoft A330, but obviously one question that keeps appearing is: when will it be released.

Numerous times Mathijs Kok has said that 2016 is the plan, and has stuck by the many times.

Today, he clarified some information to help set people’s expectations. His goal “is to get to a solid product, sellable at a sub $50 price that is better than any other A330.”

He added “In an ideal world we’ll end up with a suitable product early December that we can perfect to a release condition before the end of the year.”

Whilst this is what we hoped for, he then went onto further detail about the challenges the team are facing. “We ‘lost’ a full week because we needed to adapt the A320 to be able to sell via Dovetails on Steam.”

“Next to these things we also decided to redo things that were not planned originally. For example advanced functions in the FMC like Constant Mach segments, Time Markers etc. but also redo the PFD in more modern code and higher resolution.”

All of these little things have heaped up, but at the end of the day, the quality is what we’re waiting for.

As a result, it could result in Aerosoft A330  being released in 2017.

“That means I am in the luxury position to make choices based on code and not on economics. That also means I can say 2016 would be perfect but 2017 will be fine! What I do promise is to keep you informed.”

You can read all of this over at their forums, where Mathijs even talks about about they’ve converted their A320 line to a professional market.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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