Local Legends II: Fokker F.VII Now Available for MSFS

The next Local Legend is ready for departure.

Following on from the release of World Update VII: Australia, the next in the Local Legends series is now available to buy and download. The Fokker F.VII was first manufactured in the Netherlands and helped to advance the world of aviation during the 1920 and 1930s. Adventurers around the world took advantage of the versatile aircraft to discover unexplored areas of the world.

The Fokker V.II has a range of 750 miles and a cruise speed of 111mph. The plane can carry 8 passengers or up to 5,000lbs of cargo, thus it quickly became famous for airmail and cargo operations.

One of the most notable flights the Fokker V.II took part in was the crossing from Australia and North America across the Pacific Ocean. This adventure was taken on by Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, who took the Southern Cross across the ocean stopping off at various locations along the way. The Southern Cross is one of many included variants with the package. Other variants of the Fokker F.VII include the Friendship, the Josephine Ford, the Fokker F.VIIa and one with a distinctive KLM livery. These variations come with floats and ski options. There are also a number of missions included with the package.

Local Legend II: Fokker V.II was developed by Orbx and is now available in the Microsoft Flight Simulator Marketplace for $14.99 on both PC and Xbox.

More From:   Asobo Studio Orbx
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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