LivToAir Releases a Flying Car for MSFS – Aeromobil 3.0

Take a drive…and then a flight… all in the same vehicle. Try out a new flying car from LivToAir.

LivToAir Releases a Flying Car for MSFS – Aeromobil 3.0

Want something a bit different in your flight simulator this week? Then perhaps the LivToAir Aeromobil 3.0 is what you’re after. The new Flying Car product is now available for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

The Aeromobil 3.0 was originally designed and manufactured by Slovakian company Aeromobil and was first unveiled in 2014. It flew in October 2014 and was powered by a Rotax 912S engine, with a carbon fibre structure. However, its fate was sealed when it crashed in May 2015. But you can make sure it doesn’t happen in the simulator.

Developer LivToAir has developed the flying car with a foldable wing system, working circuit breakers and a high-quality 3D model. It works both on the ground and in the air as their respective vehicle types. You can see the video above to see it in action.

If you fancy flying a car around Microsoft Flight Simulator, you can pick up LivToAir Aeromobil 3.0 from SIMMARKET for €19.99 (excluding taxes).


  • Foldable Wings System
  • Working Drive And Flight Modes
  • Working circuit Breakers
  • High Quality 3D Model + Textures.
  • Custom Sounds
  • Realistic Refueling And Defueling system with a Fuel Truck
  • Highly Detailed EFB
  • Detailed Manual
More From:   LivToAir
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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