Leonardo Softhouse FlythemaddogX MD-82 Updated (SP1b351)

The news I know many of you have been waiting for: Leonardo Softhouse has updated their FlythemaddogX MD-82 for both 32-bit simulators and 64-bit sims. As we previously covered, the new update brings a wealth…

Leonardo Softhouse FlythemaddogX MD-82 Updated (SP1b351)

The news I know many of you have been waiting for: Leonardo Softhouse has updated their FlythemaddogX MD-82 for both 32-bit simulators and 64-bit sims. As we previously covered, the new update brings a wealth of new features and bug fixes. One of those updates for the P3D v4.4 version is the inclusion of PBR materials on the exterior of the aircraft as well as some native PBR liveries.

The other key update this new version brings is the enhanced icing simulation. If you leave your aircraft in cold conditions, snow and ice will build upon your aircraft, which impact the aerodynamics of the aircraft. Realistic hold overtimes after de-icing will also be simulated, and the 64-bit version also integrates Active Sky and GSX Level 2 for icing simulation. Furthermore, the P3Dv4.x version will enable users to visually see icing on their aircraft.

Other fixes include an issue with the batter not discharging, improved FMS fuel predictions during longer flights and a few other minor bugfixes.

You can grab the update one of two ways:

Downloading a full new version from SimMarket, or if you’re a registered forum member, you can get it direct from the forums. If you don’t own the FlythemaddogX yet, you can purchase it from SimMarket (32-Bit Version: €57.00 // 64-Bit Version: €70.00).

It was also confirmed that the extension products, the MD-83 and the MD-88 will be released tomorrow, Sunday 23rd December 2018.

64bit changelog:

  • Enhanced icing simulation, plus degrading aerodynamics and AS/GSX2 integration;
  • Hold over times after de-icing;
  • Added computation of A/I ON altitude (DESCENT FORECAST) for idle EPR and VNAV profile.


  • PBR added; (P3D v.4.4 only)
  • Visual cue for icing.


  • Fixed issue with battery not discharging with correct rate;
  • Reduced VNAV descent steeply in short legs with a spd constraint at the end.
  • Improved FMS fuel prediction for long cruise;
  • Fixed route drawing on ND for long legs;
  • Several other minor bugfixes;
  • GSX minor compatibility bugfixes.


  • Updated the user manuals to reflect latest changes in load manager.

32bit changelog:

  • Enhanced icing simulation, plus degrading aerodynamics;
  • Hold over times after de-icing;
  • Added computation of A/I ON altitude (DESCENT FORECAST) for idle EPR and VNAV profile.


  • Fixed issue with battery not discharging with correct rate;
  • Reduced VNAV descent steeply in short legs with a spd constraint at the end.
  • Improved FMS fuel prediction for long cruise;
  • Fixed route drawing on ND for long legs;
  • Several other minor bugfixes;
  • GSX minor compatibility bugfixes.


  • Updated the user manuals to reflect latest changes in load manager.
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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