LatinVFR Update Santiago SCEL v2 – Includes PBR Textures

We exclusively revealed that LatinVFR would be updating their Santiago SCEL v2 airport to include PBR textures a few weeks ago. We can now confirm that the update is live on stores for users to download and…

LatinVFR Update Santiago SCEL v2 – Includes PBR Textures

We exclusively revealed that LatinVFR would be updating their Santiago SCEL v2 airport to include PBR textures a few weeks ago. We can now confirm that the update is live on stores for users to download and enjoy the new update, free of charge.

As mentioned, the new update primarily focuses on the introduction of PBR textures throughout the airport and terminal objects. Whilst the team would of liked to have achieved a 100% PBR texture conversion rate, thing such as the photoreal scenery, trees or fences have yet to be done. However, LatinVFR do hope to make it 100% in the future. The more the team learn and develop, the more they can add and improve in the future.

The update itself includes PBR on all buildings and ground polygons, animated ramp agents and additional 3D VORs which were previously missing. There are some other small fixes too which have made their way into v2.2. If you want to see how PBR impacts the product, you can see our previous post which highlights the significant changes.

If you’re keen to install the update, you just need to run the new installer over the original install and it’ll do the magic on your behalf.

You can find out full details regarding the update on the LatinVFR forums. If you don’t own Santiago SCEL v2 already, you can buy it via simMarket for EUR 22.00.

Full change log (v2.2)

  • PBR compatibility on all buildings and all ground polygons.
  • Added animated ramp agents. Work of Jonathan Blanco.
  • Added the two 3D VOR’s which were missing
  • Fixed some apron parking issues.
  • Added REIL lights to the runways.
  • Among other small fixes.
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Calum Martin
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