Laminar Research Adds to X-Plane Mobile Update Schedule

The often forgotten member of the X-Plane family, X-Plane Mobile, is about to get a serious overhaul according to the X-Plane by Laminar Research page on Facebook. Back in June, Laminar announced that global scenery,…

Laminar Research Adds to X-Plane Mobile Update Schedule

The often forgotten member of the X-Plane family, X-Plane Mobile, is about to get a serious overhaul according to the X-Plane by Laminar Research page on Facebook.

Back in June, Laminar announced that global scenery, along with 10,000 3D airports were headed the way of the mobile simming platform, with terminals, hangars, towers, fire stations, jetways, baggage carts, belt loaders, cars, fuel tanks, and much more set to grace the small screen.
Fast forward to September, and apparently Laminar has decided that wasn’t enough work. The Facebook post, linked above, throws the old plan out the window and, on top of those 10,000 3D airports and global scenery, adds PBR lighting, atmospheric scattering, improved fog quality, and more items not mentioned.

No ETA is given for the update, but users of the X-Plane 10-based mobile simulator will surely be excited at what’s to come. Laminar were also kind enough to tease some of the improvements with a single screenshot – check it out above!

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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