Kav Simulations Announces Airport Traffic Boards

Kav Simulations announces Airport LED traffic boards that integrate virtual and real world traffic at your favourite airport.

Kav Simulations Announces Airport Traffic Boards
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Kav Simulations took to the FSExpo stage on #FSExpoFriday in Las Vegas to showcase their current product range as well as announcing a brand new product line with a live demo.

The presentation started by showcasing their current seven segment LCD displays for the airbus family that takes autopilot displays from your sim, and represents them in a physical board for your reference whilst flying either as a stand alone product or in conjunction with other hardware.

Secondly, we were treated to KAV Simulations’ second and newest product line, a host of airport boards with the ability to check live and virtual traffic with the click of a button. The Airport Boards, launched initially with London Heathrow (EGLL), Innsbruck (LOWI), Amsterdam (EHAM), Munich (EDDM), and Las Vegas (KLAS), gives you the ability to see aircraft movements through lighting up LEDs on a physical board which takes real world aircraft movements and displays them on an airport map, through the use of variable coloured LEDs which can show 500 different colours based upon real world airline colours.

The board will also show virtual aircraft movements from online systems like VATSIM to show which gates are available for your arrival or before you join the network with a click of a button on the board.

Data for the board will be accessed through a universal control board connected through an access point which is easy to set up. So easy in fact, we witnessed the setup of a board right before our eyes on the presentation. The UCB will identify each board when connected, download the relevant data and show the movements on each board.

The costing model for each of the airport boards stand currently at $233 each with the UCB at $130. This is a one off cost for life with all data streams, to ensure a long life of the products.

If you would like to know more about Kai Simulations, head over to their website or stop by their booth at FSExpo.

More From:   Kav Simulations
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Jordan Williams
Jordan works for an independent music venue business operating in the US and London. Discovering flight simulation with FS98, he followed the natural progression up until P3D, where he switched platforms to X-Plane 11 flying everything from fast jets, helicopters to airliners.

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