JustSim Hamburg v2 Previews and Information, Releasing Soon

JustSim has confirmed that their next version of Hamburg Airport (EDDH) will soon be released. After a long development period, the airport is now being sent to the publisher to have the files assembled within…

JustSim Hamburg v2 Previews and Information, Releasing Soon

JustSim has confirmed that their next version of Hamburg Airport (EDDH) will soon be released. After a long development period, the airport is now being sent to the publisher to have the files assembled within the installer before then being released to the community. The new update for Hamburg is a whole new release with many new features and fixes compared to the original 2017 release.

As shared on Facebook, JustSim’s new version of Hamburg will include a new animated SODE jetway, a complete overhaul over the passenger terminal building and also updated the parking and ground layout based on current charts. The new version will also feature photoreal terrain, new buildings around the airport and various 3D street lights with dynamic lighting. As this new update has been built for Prepar3D v4.4 and above, it features PBR material on the ground polygons.

In addition, various other changes have also been made such as the inclusion of the visual docking guidance system, animated windsocks and the AFCAD files has been modified to reflect the new airport layout and changes.

It is also confirmed by JustSim that an X-Plane 11 version will be coming soon for Hamburg Airport.

For those asking about Prepar3D v5 updates, the developer said that they are testing one product right now and asks that people be patient.

Once the new version of Hamburg is released, we will let you know. You can see the full post on Facebook for even more previews.

Update Features

  • New Animated SODE Jetways for Airbus A380
  • The passenger terminal building has been changed.
  • The new terminal building was added.
  • New parking scheme for current charts
  • New phototerrain and autogen
  • New some buildings around airport
  • New 3d street lights
  • Ground polygons were compiled using SDK 4.4-PBR materials used.
  • More than 50 Parking lots were added/changed.
  • The marking of the Parking lots has been changed.
  • Animated wind socks (SODE) have been added.
  • AFCAD file has been modified.
  • A custom profile file for GSX has been changed.
  • Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS) (SODE+GSX)have been added.
  • Lighting on the runway taxiways has been changed.
  • Dynamic lighting has been addedchanged.
  • 3D models now use PBR materials (SDK 4.4)
  • Additional optimization performed
  • Small fix
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Calum Martin
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