Jetstream Designs Nantes for MSFS Released

French Developer Jetstream Design has released their port of their Nantes Atlantique Airport (LFRS) scenery to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Based on their successful P3D version the new scenery takes advantage of the best MSFS has…

Jetstream Designs Nantes for MSFS Released

French Developer Jetstream Design has released their port of their Nantes Atlantique Airport (LFRS) scenery to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Based on their successful P3D version the new scenery takes advantage of the best MSFS has to offer, with extensive PBR materials, sloped terrain and many custom buildings and objects. The scenery also comprises the immediate surroundings of the airport such as the Airbus factories and industrial areas next to it, along with the Cheviré bridge over the Loire.

Located at the doors of Bretagne, the Nantes Atlantique Airport is a major airport for the western part of France. In 2019 it hosted 7.2 Million passengers. Its 2,900m runway can welcome any size of aircraft, including the A380.

You can purchase the Jetstream Design Nantes Atlantique Airport for MSFS on Simmarket for €15.50. Owners of the previous FSX or P3D versions are entitled to a special upgrade price of €10.69. This is automatically awarded through the Simmarket payment system using the same account with which you purchased the previous scenery.

Feature List

  • Extensive use of PBR materials
  • Sloped gound
  • Animated jetways
  • Detailed airport buildings, including the derelict Chateau Bougon
  • Airbus factories and industrial area
  • 3D passengers in the terminal
  • Realistic night lighting
  • Custom clutter objects
  • Custom taxiway signs
  • The Cheviré bridge
  • Highly optimized for a smooth experience
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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