iniBuilds Announces Brisbane Airport for MSFS 2024

iniBuilds heads down under for an upcoming release this weekend.

iniBuilds Announces Brisbane Airport for MSFS 2024

A brand new airport from iniBuilds has just been announced for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. The team teased it a few weeks ago, but it is now confirmed that they will be releasing Brisbane Airport (YBBN) as a premium product for MSFS 2024.

It will be launching this weekend, according to the social post on their Discord server. Sadly, no other confirmed details were shared at the time of writing. That said, a number of previews were given highlighting the level of detail iniBuilds have gone for this new airport release.

We can see detailed internal modelling, a handcrafted airport terminal, and plenty of custom-made buildings (like the Shell garage) that surround Brisbane Airport.

Once we learn more, we’ll be sure to let you know. The news follows on from the recently released Enhanced versions of Palm Springs and Ibiza Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

More From:   iniBuilds
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Calum Martin
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