Developer, IndiaFoxtEcho has updated their America-Class LHA carrier package for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
This new update comes as IndiaFoxtEcho are currently working on new carrier and ship packages which feature new ideas for improvements. The team has decided to push out these new ideas to their current packages too and features improved details, improved night lighting, radar animations, minor fixes to geometry, texture improvements, minor improvements to the product manual and more.
You can purchase IndiaFoxtEcho’s America-Class LHA carrier package for Microsoft Flight Simulator for £5.05 from SimMarket here.
- Improved LHA details
- Minor improvements to the product manual
- Improved Deck deck crew uniforms and added ethnic diversity
- Clean up of AO maps for unarmed ship model variants
- Improved Ticonderoga-class ship’s night lighting
- Added radar animation to Ticonderoga-class ships
- Minor fixes to San Antonio-class ship materials and geometry
- Improved San Antonio-class ship’s night lighting
- Added radar animation to San Antonio-class ships
- Fixed incorrect deck texture file for the USS Tripoli flight deck