Released last month, developer IndiaFoxtEcho has updated its Long-Ez aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Version 1.1.0, available now through Orbx Central, sees various improvements across the flight modelling, texture resolution and a rework of the sounds for the aircraft.
The changelog, supplied on the Orbx forums, talks of a new flight model with new canard settings, whilst seeing minor tweaks to engine performance and how the aircraft manoeuvres in the air. Furthermore, the cockpit has seen an improvement with increased usage of polygons and upped texture resolution. The final other change of significance is the fact the sound package has been rewritten completely in WWise.
As we mentioned before, the aircraft has a noticeable shape with canard ahead of the cockpit, a high surface wing with vertical fins at the end of the wing and a rear pushing engine. The Indiafoxtecho rendition features detailed modelling along with 8K textures and comes with custom sounds and 4 liveries.
If you don’t own the IndiaFoxtEcho Long-Ez for Microsoft Flight Simulator, you can buy it from OrbxDirect for $24.99 AUD (approximately US$18.31 | €15,42 | £13.70).
In related news, you can see what the future for IndiaFoxtEcho looks like in their roadmap post.
IndiaFoxtEcho Long-Ez v1.1.0 Changelog
- Redone flight model to implement new canard settings
- Minor tweaks to engine performance
- Minor tweaks to aircraft maneuverability
- Increased detail and polycount of several cockpit objects
- Retextured cockpit with higher res textures
- Fixed miscellaneous animations and mouse areas
- Added missing lubber line to compass
- Minor improvements to sound package
- Miscellaneous fixes in configuration files
- Cleaned canopy textures
- Replaced library pilot figures with custom models including possibility to remove the pilot figures (beware not to tilt the aircraft!)
- Sound package entirely redone in WWise