ImagineSim Tease First Image of Los Angeles Airport (KLAX) Project

Earlier last month, ImagineSim teased that their next project would be to create a brand new version of Los Angeles International LAX (KLAX) for Prepar3D. This was all very dependant on them getting the right…

ImagineSim Tease First Image of Los Angeles Airport (KLAX) Project

Earlier last month, ImagineSim teased that their next project would be to create a brand new version of Los Angeles International LAX (KLAX) for Prepar3D. This was all very dependant on them getting the right details and information. However, today seems to be a good indication that they received everything they needed to recreate the airport.

On their Facebook page, they shared the first image of the first steps to creating the scenery in the sim. The very first BGL file has been ‘forged’ into the simulator to create the general ground imagery. Obviously, there is still plenty of work to be done, but the team wanted to assure people that progress is being made.

In the meantime, ImagineSim confirmed that the FSX version of Singapore (WSSS) is getting near to release and that there will also be an update coming soon for the Prepar3D version.

If you want to support ImagineSim, you can buy Singapore (WSSS) right now via their website for £25.99.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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