HiFi Sim Tech Provides Development News Update

X-Plane 12 users – A storm is brewing

HiFi Sim Tech Provides Development News Update

Taking to their forums, HiFi Sim Tech has provided sim users with an extensive update on their current development efforts.

HiFi Sim Tech begins the forum post by announcing the development of a new weather engine for X-Plane 12, fittingly called “Active Sky XP 12”. HiFi begins by letting readers know that while the platform’s native weather API is still changing, the team has been able to build significantly upon X-Plane 12’s regional weather system. Using the API combined with the developer’s associated regional depiction mode provides excellent visuals, a highly realistic depiction of region-specific weather phenomena, and, most importantly, a smooth transition between regions.

In addition to providing continued support for the new product by publishing updates as the platform’s native weather API evolves, the developer has announced that Active Sky XP 12 will be released free of charge for existing Active Sky XP license holders.

Underlining the intent, the developer will make a free open beta version of the product available shortly. Existing license holders will be able to download the open beta version of the software and activate it following installation using their existing Active Sky XP serial key.

With regard to MSFS, the developer has announced that not a lot can be done right now seeing as Microsoft and Asobo are, for unknown reasons, reluctant to provide weather API functionality that would enable add-ons such as Active Sky. While the team has been working on workarounds, the results are not yet there and the developer has affirmed to keep pushing forwards to bring you the weather system you deserve.

Finally, regarding Prepar3D, HiFi Sim Tech has reassured users that they will continue to support the platform by keeping up with Lockheed’s development updates. The developer has indicated they are looking forward to whatever Lockheed has in store.

We will keep you posted regarding HiFi Sim Tech’s further development efforts. In the meantime, feel free to check out HiFi Sim Tech’s original forum post linked here.

More From:   HiFi Simulations
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Yannick Noesen
Yannick has always been an avid aviation enthusiast and he started out simming back in 2002 at the young age of 5 with FS2002. Ever since he has continued pursuing flight simulation as a hobby with the eventual goal of also making aviation his career. While Yannick currently primarily uses X-Plane 11 and Prepar3D, FS2020 and DCS have not skipped his radar.

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