Headwind Sim Updates their A330-900neo for MSFS

The freeware Airbus A330-900neo from Headwind Sim has received an update.

Headwind Sim Updates their A330-900neo for MSFS

Just a few days ago, Headwind Simulations released an update for their popular freeware Airbus A330-900neo for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

The new v0.3.3 update fixes and addresses some bugs such as GSX release parking brake, a temporary fix for GSX to use the correct entry door for jetways and disabling the fuel window when refuelling. Other updates include tire spin animations and texture updates for their Condor Liveries.


The changelog can be found below. To update your Airbus A330-900neo, head over to the Headwind Simulations website or open up the Headwind Simulations installer on your computer and grab the latest build.


  • [GSX] fix: release the parking brake, temporary fix for using the correct entry door for the jetway, disabled fuel window
  • [MODEL] fix: tire spin animation
  • [TEXTURE] update: condor textures
More From:   Headwind Simulations
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Matt Ashwood
Matt discovered his passion for aviation and flight simulation over 20 years ago with FS98, continuing all the way to Microsoft Flight Simulator. In addition to his role at FSElite, Matt is a freelance designer, digital marketer and social media manager.

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