Head of LatinWings moves to Pilot’s

A couple of days ago, the head of LatinWings, Trino Rojas announced on Facebook that it was time for him to move on from LatinWings after many years. He has been working with both LatinWings…

Head of LatinWings moves to Pilot’s

A couple of days ago, the head of LatinWings, Trino Rojas announced on Facebook that it was time for him to move on from LatinWings after many years.

He has been working with both LatinWings and Pilot’s, particularly famous for thier work on Orbx FTX Global Vector, for quite a long time, but decided to move to Pilot’s exclusively.

It is always sad to see well known developers leaving a company, but he is not gone by any means. As part of him going to Pilot’s, he is taking the Madrid Barajas and Santiago de Compostela projects with him, meaning that these projects will no longer be under the LatinWings name but Pilot’s instead.

Furthermore, all customer support for the previously released Almeria scenery (our review of Almeria can be read here) will be moved to the Pilot’s Facebook page

The entire team at FSElite wishes Trino all the best at Pilot’s.



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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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