Grand Island Sim Share Further St John’s Previews

Grand Island Sim has shared a few new additional previews of their upcoming St John’s Airport for P3D. In particular, the team wanted to focus on the winter elements of the airport considering the dramatic…

Grand Island Sim Share Further St John’s Previews

Grand Island Sim has shared a few new additional previews of their upcoming St John’s Airport for P3D. In particular, the team wanted to focus on the winter elements of the airport considering the dramatic changes the airport sees during the cooler months of the year.

Between December and April in the simulator, users will get to experience plenty of wintery effects including 3D snow and custom ground poly by using SODE. Furthermore, the entire de-icing pad has been modelled and will enable you to call up GSX to de-icers whilst parked. Orbx Global users will be pleased to know it has been colour-matched for a seamless experience.

It has also been said that the release date is due before August of this year, so not long to wait now.

Grand Island Sim also send us a bunch of exclusive images for us to share with you guys.

We will let you know more information when we get it and also once it has been released.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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