Further Orbx TrueEarth GB South P3D Previews & Confirmation of No Seasons

Orbx seem to be on a preview run with TrueEarth Great Britain South for P3D right now as two new preview threads showcasing the product were created over the past couple of days. Both threads…

Further Orbx TrueEarth GB South P3D Previews & Confirmation of No Seasons

Orbx seem to be on a preview run with TrueEarth Great Britain South for P3D right now as two new preview threads showcasing the product were created over the past couple of days. Both threads were created by screenshot-extraordinaire Iain Emms and cover various parts of land TrueEarth GB South will cover.

The screenshots below include parts of Wales and other scattered areas across the South of England. In one forum thread, both Ed and John from Orbx confirmed that TrueEarth GB for P3D will not feature seasonal texture variation. The reasons include that it would hugely increase the amount of data you would need to download (around 250GB), additional development time and further imagery data. As a result, only Summer textures will be included with the release of TrueEarth Great Britain South, which was unlike TrueEarth Netherlands which included 5 season textures.

If you’re unsure what TrueEarth is: it’s a brand new form of technology from Orbx with the hope of mixing ortho-imagery, 3D Cityscene and all the technology from the FTX region to create a highly detailed and realistic coverage area. TrueEarth Netherlands was first released for Prepar3D, with the technology also in Aerofly FS 2 and of course X-Plane 11.

If any further preview threads pop-up, we’ll be sure to consolidate them all and share them with you.

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