FSElite @ FSExpo – [At Home] How We Are Bringing the Action to You

Tickets are now officially off sale for this year’s North American Community Driven conference, but that doesn’t mean people at home will miss out. This year, FSElite has partnered with FlightSimExpo to bring you the official source of…

FSElite @ FSExpo – [At Home] How We Are Bringing the Action to You

Tickets are now officially off sale for this year’s North American Community Driven conference, but that doesn’t mean people at home will miss out. This year, FSElite has partnered with FlightSimExpo to bring you the official source of content for the entire event.

You can head to the page at FSElite/fsexpo19.

The full hub page will go live on June 6th 2019 @ 09:00 EDT (13:00z), but be sure to bookmark it to remind yourself where to head to

Seminar Live Streams

During the whole weekend, each seminar and speaker will be live streamed. The professional live streams, sponsored by Gleim Aviation, has a dedicated team of videographers to ensure a high-quality stream of each seminar throughout the event. This means you can be involved in the action wherever you may be. Throughout the weekend, there are going to be several seminars from developers, many presentations from a varied range of people (including myself) and more. It is split between 3 main seminar rooms.

Seminar Room (Main Conference Hall) will see the initial welcome speech from the FlightSimExpo team, followed by a few seminars and developer panels. Then, at approximately 12:30pm on Saturday the room will be split into two creating additional seminar rooms. Seminar Room 1 (Left Seat) and Seminar Room 2 (Right Seat). These two rooms will then be present throughout the rest of the conference.

[button type=”round” color=”red” target=”” link=”https://fselite.net/fsexpo19/”]FSExpo Official Hub[/button]

Live Developer Interviews

In addition, to live streaming of the seminars, FSElite will be hosting a range of live developer interviews. No more waiting days to see our interviews as they will be taking place in our brand new FSElite Studio. We listened to feedback from last year and have made every effort to ensure that we have the equipment (and bandwidth) to handle live streaming. From investing into new cameras, microphones and large backdrops, we are hoping to give a very professional interview section.

Our interview schedule begins on Friday 7th June 2019.

Community Chat

With multiple stream sources and various places to discuss the happenings, we’ve tried to make a consolidated space for people to chat about the announcements and event itself. On our FSExpo Hub, we have embedded a designated Discord channel for you to chat whilst watching the streams (regardless of which stream). It’s very similar to Twitch to offer a sense of familiarity to many.

Please remember to keep conversations in-line with our Community Guidelines and remember that this is an event to celebrate aviation.

Be sure to have signed up to our Discord to have a seamless experience.

All News in One Place

We are confident that the weekend will bring a huge number of brand new information for old and new products alike. As always, our team of dedicated writers will be on hand during the whole event to get the news out there as quickly as possible.

Instagram Wall and Partner Streamers

We know that not everyone can be there, so hopefully our embedded Instagram Wall will give you some idea of the madness behind the scenes. We have it to pick up #fsexpo and #fseliteatexpo. If you’re attending, be sure to tag your best photos with them!


If you have any feedback regarding the FSExpo hub, please do reach out. We’ve spent a lot of time trying to bring the community something fantastic to work with. We want to try and make sure people at home feel as part of the event as those actually there.

[button type=”round” color=”red” target=”” link=”https://fselite.net/fsexpo19/”]FSExpo Official Hub[/button]


We are delighted to confirm that we have partnered with Thrustmaster to be able to bring you such comprehensive coverage online.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
Be nice, kind and courteous. Share your thoughts, engage in conversation and remember there's a human on the other side of the screen. Keep the chat going, but without the attacks. Read our community guidelines.

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