FSDreamTeam Releases Louisville International Airport V2 for MSFS

FSDreamTeam has released a brand new airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Louisville Airport (KSDF) is located in Jefferson County, Kentucky and features 3 primary runways and can accommodate a variety of small and large aircraft…

FSDreamTeam Releases Louisville International Airport V2 for MSFS

FSDreamTeam has released a brand new airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Louisville Airport (KSDF) is located in Jefferson County, Kentucky and features 3 primary runways and can accommodate a variety of small and large aircraft types. Whilst the airport serves a variety of domestic carries to a range of US destinations, UPS has a huge cargo presence at the airport delivering packages globally. Other cargo carriers that frequent Louiseville Airport includes FedEx Express, Ameriflight and Skylink Express.

The newly released airport product from FSDreamTeam has been created for Microsoft Flight Simulator and brings with it “great attention to visual quality and performance.” The developers also state that the product includes detailed areas of the UPS cargo area, the Kentucky Air National Guard and also the Ford Assembly Plant. Finally, Louisville International Airport V2 features custom animated jetways.

Owners of Lousiville International Airport for FSX/P3D can upgrade to the v2 for $6.99, whilst those who don’t can buy the airport for $9.99 USD (excluding taxes). You can buy the airport either from FSDreamTeam’s website or through simMarket.


  • Worldport UPS Cargo area
  • Kentucky Air National Guard with parked C130
  • Custom animated Jetways
  • Ford Assembly Plant
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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