The developers over at FSDreamTeam have not been sitting still lately. Over the last few weeks GSX has gotten a lot of updates including bugfixes and new features. Those new features are largely related to the cargo handling of GSX. The cargo loading system got a big overhaul, allowing it to use the third door on your aircraft. This was previously only possible at FSDreamTeams KSDF UPS Worldport.
Also updated is the editor system that allows you to customize your airplane and parking position/gate. There are also a bunch of other improvements, such as a ‘warp to gate’ function for third party aircraft, gate selection showing suitable parking spots and more. Full changelog can be found below.
You can get the update simply by running the Addon Manager Live Update tool.
- NEW Parking Editor: Visual Docking System/Marshaller position can be edited separately from the Stop Position, allowing for offset VGDS, still following the parking centerline
- New Ground Operator added: SATS at VHHH.
- NEW: Added airplane weight constraints to the TMX and TPX Pushback vehicles.
- NEW: The small Fuel Truck will now respect the left/right side of the refueling point.
- Bugfix: Fixed an error in when customizing the parking system.
- Bugfix: Fixed and error when customizing a parking with a plane with no doors.
- Bugfix: Fixed several errors related to the addition of the 3rd Cargo Loader.
- Bugfix: Fixed an error while editing cargo doors with a single ULD code.
- NEW: Support for 3 Cargo Loaders simoultaneously, in order to enable the Main Cargo Door on every airport.
- NEW: Updated Manual, to better explain the Stop Position calculation and customization.
- Bugfix: Better interoperability with SODE. GSX now knows the Docked/Undocked status of a Jetway made with a SODE XML file, even when it was operated from the SODE menu.
- NEW: Cargo Stand loading system, as used in KSDF UPS Worldport.
- NEW: “Mirror” Docking System, as used in KSDF.
- NEW: The Gate selection menu indicates the number of parkings suitable for the airplane in use.
- NEW: Distance readout for every parking system.
- NEW: Added new ULD types SAA and A1N.
- NEW: “Warp to Gate” function supports planes with non-standard flight models (Majestic Q400).
- NEW Airplane Editor: A cargo door can now support multiple ULD types.
- NEW Airplane Editor: A separate Main Cargo door can be specified.
- NEW Scenery Editor: Saves automatically when exit from Aircraft Editor (like Parking Editor).
- NEW Scenery Editor: Preferred exit marker in Parking Editor.
- NEW Scenery Editor: Each parking can be set to ignore the airplane Preferred Exit.
- NEW Scenery Editor: New reference markers for Cargo Main and Preferred Exit doors.
- New Ground Operators added: OneJet, Air North Yukon, Strategic Aviation Canada.
- Bugfix: Pushback truck swirling around the gear on some sceneries (Aerosoft EDDS and others).
- Bugfix: Aircraft will decelerate more smoothly when stopping Pushback manually.
- Bugfix: Move the Passenger Bus closer to the wingtip.
- Bugfix: Fixed an error while creating airplane Traffic cones.
- Bugfix: Fix BaggageTrain and PassengerBus when cargo exit is on the rear left (CRJ 900).
- Bugfix: Fix crash while cycling parkings very fast in the Scenery Editor.
- Bugfix: Fix BaggageLoader and BaggageTrain with rotated rear left cargo door (CRJ900).