Developer FSDreamTeam has announced that they will be releasing Basel Airport (LFSB) this weekend for Microsoft Flight Simulator. To celebrate the news, FSDreamTeam also shared a single new preview (above) of the airport from within the simulator.
In addition, the developers also confirmed that customers who purchased the Prepar3D version, be it through any website, will get the Microsoft Flight Simulator version for free. This is better than the original offer when Basel Airport was first released when it was first said that $19.00 of the amount paid would go towards the MSFS version. It should be noted that FSDreamTeam says this offer is permanent for anyone who now buys the Prepar3D version moving forward. It’s unclear if this offer will be reversible for anyone who buys the MSFS version.
Update: It is confirmed that the product will just be for the airport and thus anyone who picks up the product will have versions for Prepar3D and MSFS included for free.
We’ll be sure to keep you updated with release information once we have it. A selection of older previews can be found here.
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