FS2Crew Brief Update Statement on Products

Developer FS2Crew has shared a short statement on some of their upcoming products including the FS2Crew FSLabs Airbus package, RAAS Pro and also Ultimate Ground Crew X. Starting with the FSLabs Airbus Package, the product…

FS2Crew Brief Update Statement on Products

Developer FS2Crew has shared a short statement on some of their upcoming products including the FS2Crew FSLabs Airbus package, RAAS Pro and also Ultimate Ground Crew X.

Starting with the FSLabs Airbus Package, the product is “hoping” to be released around July 13th. According to Bryan on the Avsim forums“it’s looking pretty good right now,” but has decided to keep testing for any last minute issues or bugs. As previously mentioned, it will have several exciting new features yet to be seen in an FS2Crew product. Do note that it was made clear that the product may be delayed to ensure that final bit of polish can be applied rather than rushing it out of the door.

As for RAAS Pro, a new update will be coming this weekend. After a successful beta testing period, it’s ready for a release. Furthermore, the unlocked version will have some special integration with the upcoming FS2Crew FSLabs Airbus package. Specifically, RAAS will pull runway data so the plugin can generate more realistic responses to the Runway Confirmation challenge.

Finally, Ultimate Ground Crew X continues to be developed. In particular, FS2Crew are looking for a native Spanish speaker. Here’s the full text with the person they’re looking for:

“You need to be from SPAIN and you need to be an airline pilot or a real-world ramper.  That’s important.

We need to ensure we’re using the correct Spanish words appropriate to Spanish aviation, therefore not just any native Spanish speaker can do this.”

Whilst it wasn’t specified where exactly people can apply, we assume that submitting an application via their contact us page would be the best bet. If we hear otherwise, we’ll let you know.

You can read more about the upcoming FSLabs package from the official announcement of the product. Be sure to check out the full Avsim thread to get involved in the discussion.

Thanks to Vinniethegreat for the tip-off.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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