FS Academy – On Instruments Available Now

FS Academy – On Instruments is now available for Prepar3D V4. The video tuition tool is developed by a real commercial pilot with the intention of combining simulation, scenarios and video to teach people IFR…

FS Academy – On Instruments Available Now

FS Academy – On Instruments is now available for Prepar3D V4. The video tuition tool is developed by a real commercial pilot with the intention of combining simulation, scenarios and video to teach people IFR flying. This package has been designed and re-built specifically for P3D users.

From complex instrument procedures, holding patterns, ILS approaches and reading charts, you will be able to put your skills to the test with eight scenarios included in the package. This is over 1 and a half hours of video, which includes topics such as Human Factors, Navigation Aids, DME Arcs and more.

You can buy FS Academy – On Instruments now from simMarket for €7.49. If you owned the FSX version, you can upgrade for €5.00.

Full Tutorial List

  • Why fly IFR?
  • Human Factors
  • Aviation Rules of Thumb
  • Navigation Aids
  • Radio Navigation
  • Instrument Departures
  • Holding Patterns
  • DME Arcs
  • Non-Precision Approaches
  • ILS Approaches
  • And much more…
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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