Update – Thanks for the messages below. The developer of this pack reached out and supplied us with appropriate evidence that tells us the original author gave permission to edit and redistribute the files. The developers in question are Bar Rodoy, Niv tesler and Eyal Rokach.
We have reinstated this article as the copyright issue has been resolved.
==Original Article==
A new developer to the scene, ItaySim Design has released their first freeware airport to the community, Ovda Airport (LLOV) for Prepar3D v4.
Ovda Airport is a military air base and civilian airport located in the Uvda region of southern Israel. You’ll only find Seasonal and charter flights with common airlines in and out of Ovda Airport to Switzerland, Germany, Britain, Russia and more locations scattered throughout Europe and Asia.
ItaySim Designs’ rendition of Ovda Airport features custom ground polygons, animated apron stairs, vegetation surrounding the main terminal, small details placed around the airport and more. It also features a configuration tool which is not common amongst available freeware add-ons.
You can grab a hold of Itay Designs’ Ovda Airport (LLOV) for free at their website here. It is compatible with only Prepar3D v4.
- Custom Ground polygon modelled accurately.
- Vegetation all around the terminal.
- Custom Runway textures + taxiways textures.
- Vehicles and carts all around the airport.
- Animated Stairs in the apron.
- Flags and Small details around the apron.
- Legal Photoreal (military isn’t included).