Freeware EMB-500 Phenom 100 is Progressing Nicely

See how development on the freeware Phenom for MSFS is coming along.

Freeware EMB-500 Phenom 100 is Progressing Nicely

Developer Ouroboros has been working collectively on a new free and open-source EMB-500 Phenom 100. Over on their Discord, the team has shared a range of progress shots on how the project is coming along.

The developers are pretty good at sharing regular updates on their Discord channel, which allows us to step through time to see how things have been progressing. Most recently the team shared some renders of the 3D modelling and texturing for the interior and exterior of the plane.

What is quite interesting is that the team also provide a changelog of what has changed during development. So whenever there is a progress report, we get to see which areas have seen work.

According to the development team, the modelling sprung to life pretty quickly. Things will continue to be improved, but for now, this enables the developers to focus on integrating systems. On their Discord, they said:

“We’ve got some studio renders for you guys today. This model sprung to life faster than we anticipated but we’re happy to share it with you. The future of this model will be improved with a “V2″ but the current version is close to what you will fly as we move into the texture phase. We plan to integrate the Working Title NXi system into our Phenom natively, meaning you don’t have to install this [separately] to enjoy a detailed aircraft. Over time, we plan to include a [custom] EICAS and more pages with enough support and availability. Before we roll out our Phenom 300 model we will need to have perfected the Phenom 100 after the release. Needless to say, yes that is also in the long term pipeline.”

In another update, the team gave a good idea of what to expect from their onboard EFB. Developer Vitor, the Lead Graphical Artist, gave some slides that highlighted some of the design decisions being made to ensure the tablet is easy to use when in flight.

We’ll track development progress on this and be sure to bring you the latest.

Development Changelog [04|26|22]

  • New shading tricks
  • redone booleans
  • Topology changes to wingbox
  • landing lights
  • Door
  • Horizontal trim tab & pushrod
  • Vertical trim tab & pushrod
  • GPU cart
  • Cones and Chocks
  • Pitot covers and long term engine covers
  • Full exterior animations complete
  • Rudder Pedals
  • Panel tweaks
  • Switch panel remakes
  • keypad addition
  • Pilot seats & belts
  • Decal placement started
  • Toilet!
  • Comfy passenger seats
  • Side panels and windowshades
  • folding staircase system
  • upwash lighting
  • Passenger vents and lighting
  • Escape hatch
  • re-created the floor
  • Various internal vents and drawers
More From:   Ouroboros
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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