FlythemaddogX MD80 Will Feature TFDi Design’s True Glass

During the Cosford show the other weekend, TFDi Designs announced they would be bringing the much-anticipated ‘rain-drops’ to Prepar3D V4 thanks to their in-house software: True Glass. True Glass enables developers to add the effect…

FlythemaddogX MD80 Will Feature TFDi Design’s True Glass

During the Cosford show the other weekend, TFDi Designs announced they would be bringing the much-anticipated ‘rain-drops’ to Prepar3D V4 thanks to their in-house software: True Glass. True Glass enables developers to add the effect to any aircraft and will be completely modular meaning it will be easy to update across multiple aircraft.

When TFDi Designs announced True Glass, they made it very clear that they are completely open for any developer to approach them and incorporate the technology in their upcoming or past aircraft. The first developer to actively confirm their use of the technology in their aircraft are the team behind the upcoming FlythemaddogX MD80.

The developers already have the product in deep beta testing and they’re still aiming for a late 2017 release. Whilst no previews or screenshots were shared, this is a great step forward for the community as it shows how effective developers working together can produce great content for us.

As we find out more, we’ll let you know. You can watch the video above to remind yourself what True Glass is.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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