FlyingIron Simulations Announces Their Latest Project, F117 Nighthawk for X-Plane

Developer FlyingIron Simulations has announced that their next project will be the F117 Nighthawk for X-Plane. The Lockheed F117 Nighthawk was the first aircraft designed around stealth technology. Lockheed developed the aircraft under the Skunk…

FlyingIron Simulations Announces Their Latest Project, F117 Nighthawk for X-Plane

Developer FlyingIron Simulations has announced that their next project will be the F117 Nighthawk for X-Plane.

The Lockheed F117 Nighthawk was the first aircraft designed around stealth technology. Lockheed developed the aircraft under the Skunk Works secretive project department for the US air force and first flew in 1981. 

Over on their Facebook page, FlyingIron published early WIP previews of externals of the aircraft along with internal cockpit shots which showcase some painted texturing too.

After heavy investment in specific declassified documentation and operating manuals, the FlyingIron team is confident they will be able to deliver a realistic aircraft with in-depth systems and flight dynamics.

Although the feature list below is incomplete, FlyingIron commented that this should give us an indication as to what to expect, but do bear in mind it is still subject to change.

Feature List

  • High Fidelity avionics including MFDs, CDU/NAV systems (powered by SASL and XLua)
  • Highly realistic code based flight systems and procedures including fuel, FCS and autopilot systems
  • quality paintwork throughout
  • Performance and data matched flight model
  • Realistic simulation of the twin F404 engines
  • Custom FMOD sound systems
  • UFC dynamic HUD controller
  • Custom particle effects
  • Custom rain effects
  • Guided weapons
  • In-depth navigation system

FlyingIron has promised a more complete and updated feature list along with more previews as the development continues. Head on over to their Facebook page to keep up with any further updates.


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Jordan Williams
Jordan works for an independent music venue business operating in the US and London. Discovering flight simulation with FS98, he followed the natural progression up until P3D, where he switched platforms to X-Plane 11 flying everything from fast jets, helicopters to airliners.
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