FlyByWire A32NX LNAV Update Preview Video

The team at FlyByWire Simulations are continuing to develop their A32NX aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Despite the fact it is already well-received by the community, the team are pressing ahead with improving various systems…

FlyByWire A32NX LNAV Update Preview Video

The team at FlyByWire Simulations are continuing to develop their A32NX aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Despite the fact it is already well-received by the community, the team are pressing ahead with improving various systems and components of the freeware aircraft.

The first new preview (above) gave us a look at the new cockpit textures that the team is working on. Alongside the newly designed look, the team has also improved the displays themselves, giving them a pixel overhaul. This means that the screens now have a pixel density which will become apparent as you zoom in close.

Perhaps most significant so far, the team shared a new preview video for an improved LNAV system.

In the above preview video, the aircraft is departing Queenstown Airport via the IPNOR3B RNP departure. This departure is fairly complex, with many restrictions and sweeping turns to avoid terrain. As such, seeing the LNAV effortlessly handle this is a vast improvement over the current version.

FlyByWire haven’t made comment on when these improvements will be added to the stable build of the aircraft. However you can keep an eye on their Twitter account to stay updated with the latest previews.

In related news, why not check out TheFlightSimDeck’s full tutorial video on how to operate the freeware aircraft.

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Calum Martin
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