Stefano from the “Fly the Maddog” forums has announced a new open beta available to download for existing customers. The developers have fixed previously reported issues with the 1.5b476 Open Beta and have updated a few features of the aircraft (and its documentation) as well. Keep in mind that this update is only available for the 64-bit edition of the Maddog.
- *Aircraft Systems*
- fixed fps drop in C&D state
- ENG SYNC now inhibited with engines OFF
- fixed issue with outboard flight spoilers not moving symmetrically with respect to the other spoiler panels, when spoiler or autospoiler is extended.
- and more!
- *Effects*
- fixed effects resulting in oversized AI lights
- *Sounds*
- fixed reverse sound with engines off
- *2D Panels*
- FMS 2D window now below P3D menu bar
- fixed inverted CMA background light layer
- fixed non draggable CMA/Honeywell 2D window
- *Documents*
- updated: quick guide, user manual, installation guides, AOM vol 1 ch.15 and AOM vol II ch. 6
- *Load Manager*
- fixed auto-conversion to PBR installing non-PBR native repaints via liveries manager.
- **NEW**
- *Aircraft Systems*
- added 8sec fms memory after AC power loss
- added functionality for the PA button, light and vol needle animation