Over the last few days, FlightSimSoft, known for PFPX and Topcat have provided a few screenshots showing off some new features that are due to be added to PFPX in a new update.
The first bunch of screenshots posted last Sunday are showing off new options for various charts used in flight-planning including ETOPS and plotting charts to better illustrate how Atlantic crossings are being worked out. On top of this, a chart showing the cruise altitudes during a long flight is calculated and how the winds are at different altitudes.
The second round of previews uploaded today, show off various customization options available to the individual airports with regards to how certain weather phenomenon are to be depicted on the new chart options around certain airports.
The way NOTAMs are shown has gotten an overhaul to make them more clear. Every NOTAM will now be categorized, and certain words can be highlighted by the user.
On top of the above mentioned, it is now possible to manually add restrictions to certain airspace, shown off as an example east of the UK, where a certain airspace has had a restriction placed. This restriction will make PFPX avoid the selected airspace when calculating a route.
These restrictions can be set by the user to only apply in certain time-frames and upper/lower limits can also be set. This will prove particularly handy if a military exercise or a search and rescue operation is happening in a certain area and you want to simulate that.